
I am a science loving PhD cancer researcher with a passion for science accessibility. I like cell biology, scientific skepticism and equality.

For almost 5 years I have been an integral part of The Merseyside Skeptics society – a non-profit organisation which aims to promote critical thinking and scientific reasoning nationally and internationally. I am co-host of the successful podcast, Skeptics with a K where I discuss topical science stories on a fortnightly basis. I am a science communicator to a wide variety of audiences from school age children to interested members of the public and academic researchers.

I was awarded a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Physiology in May 2017 after studying earlier for a Masters degree in the same field in 2011-2012 which I was awarded with distinction.

I have delivered content for panels and given presentations at skeptics in the pub organisations across the UK and at the scientific skepticism conference QED conference in Manchester. I have also organised activities for the Big Bang North West event held annually at Aintree Racecourse by MerseySTEM and have been involved in Meet the Scientists events held by the University of Liverpool; both of these events are targeted at school age children.

In my spare time I watch Buffy the Vampire slayer on a loop, take my nuisance puppy out for long walks to try and tire him out and Instagram to my heart’s content.